Friday, November 18, 2011

Civil 3D 2012 Update 1 is Available!!

You can download the latest update for Civil 3D 2012 here.

Download the version that goes along with your system... 32bit or 64bit. I'm downloading now and will install as soon as it's done, so I'll let you know how it went.

In the meantime, here are a list of fixes:

Performance while adding entities to an alignment has been improved.

An inconsistent result from the Alignment.StationOffset() .NET API has been resolved.

AlignmentEntity::SubEntityCount now shows the correct value.

Corridor Design
An issue where corridor overrides cannot be deleted from some migrated drawings has been resolved.

Corridor Section Editor performance has been improved.

Corridor rebuilding performance has been improved.

An issue where corridor feature lines do not connect if the center alignment and offset alignment have different station ranges has been resolved.
When switching drawings containing corridors, the application no longer becomes unresponsive.

When running quantities using a LandSuperElevationAOR with a subbase of 0.00', the application no longer becomes unresponsive.

Corridor Volumes
While generating materials automatically by sample line group in the Quantity Takeoff Criteria dialog box, cancelling the process no longer causes the application to close unexpectedly.

Data Shortcuts
An issue were broken references for the alignment subtype could not be repaired has been resolved.
The rail alignment icon in the Data Shortcut tree no longer changes to a centerline icon after creating a reference.
The alignment subtypes and profile information are no longer lost after converting a Vault project into a Data Shortcut project.

Startup time has been improved when opening projects located on a remote server.

A permission conflict when creating Data Shortcuts has been resolved.
An error is no longer generated when creating a profile reference.

Subassembly issues found by the AUDIT command are now repaired.
Export to AutoCAD no longer changes alignment label or section view label appearance.

Running Edit Text from the context menu no longer disables the text edit command after first use.
Undocking the Inquiry Tool no longer causes the application to close unexpectedly.
Changing the value of the Object Property Data optionin the Publish Options dialog box no longer causes the application to close unexpectedly.
Changing the style of a point group in Toolspace no longer causes the application to become inactive.
AutoCAD commands are no longer slow to initiate when xref's are attached.
Clicking the Help button from the Tool Palette now opens content as expected.
Icons in contextual ribbons now appear as expected.

The Grading to Surface command no longer causes the application to close unexpectedly.

Hydrology and Hydraulics
Hydraflow Express has been updated to calculate culvert coefficients as expected.
The Storm Sewers import command now rounds 2" and 8" diameter pipes properly.
Part styles are no longer mismatched when importing with Part Swapping turned off and Part Family turned on when using the Storm Sewers import command.

Object Enabler
An unexpected error that occurs when creating a block that contains a grading object has been resolved.
Referenced pipes are now appearing as expected in section view.

Selecting the Map Task Pane button on the View tab of the ribbon in the Planning and Analysis workspace no longer causes the application to close unexpectedly.

An error when creating a best fit profile with pipes in profile view has been resolved.
Null structures with the same location as junction structures are now deleted as expected.
Using the Repair All References command no longer causes an unexpected error.

Profile View
Performance while opening a drawing with a surface profile has been improved.

Project Management
A message that blocks a user from checking in a drawing file when working in a full replication environment has been removed.
Shared profiles are now displayed as expected in Prospector for Offset, Curb Return, and Miscellaneous alignments.
When importing a project from a data shortcut folder, profile objects in new drawings can now be seen in Prospector after import.
After checking a drawing into Vault, referenced objects are now listed on the Where Used tab as expected.
Check-in performance has been improved.
The data file no longer loses dependency information upon import into a new Vault project.
Unnecessary folders are no longer being checked in along with the project during the import process.

Quantity Takeoff
Clearing highlight from QTO Manager no longer causes an unexpected error.
Corridor reports now work as expected.
The Transportation Extension Slope Stake report has been updated to the latest version and now runs as designed.

There is no longer a discrepancy between the reported bounded volume and the TIN volume surface when the same polyline applied as a boundary.
Surfaces now tessellate around curves in parcels as expected.
Surface volume computation performance has been improved.
Deleting a point from a surface no longer causes the application to close unexpectedly.
An unexpected error no longer occurs when opening a file with Level of Detail turned on.

A latitude and longitude field book file no longer creates reversed northing and easting coordinates.
The Point File Formats dialog box in the Import Survey Data wizard now saves changes.
The application now generates the proper point descriptions from the TSS point codes and the "TSS/Comment" field in the survey database.
Survey linework coding now properly parses descriptions that contain leading or doubled up comment escape delimiters.

The transition length table in the Superelevation wizard is no longer reset to the first one in the list.

User Interface
The paste icon now appears on the Home tab in the 2D Drafting & Annotation workspace.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Corridor Editing Tools

Autodesk has greatly enhanced the corridor editing tools for Civil 3D and I'd like to take a second to demonstrate a few of the better tools. I'm using a data set from one of the courses I wrote for Mid-West CAD... take a look :)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Civil 3D 2012 - The Little Things Part Two

Just under the ribbon in the upper left corner of the drawing window, you'll see some text...

The [-] can be clicked to reveal some commands, like Viewport control and turning on and off screen helpers such as the View Cube, the Navigation Bar and the Steering Wheels.

Right next to that you'll see [Top]. That's because you're looking at the top of the model. This little guy gives you control similar to the View Cube. Clicking will display the list of directions from which you can view your model. You can turn off the View Cube now :)

And finally, next to that you'll see [2D Wireframe]. That's the visual style that you're currently using. Quickly and easily change the visual style by clicking here and picking a new style.

Dynamic Input. Hate it or love it, it's been "enhanced".

Now when you start typing a command, DI will start listing options for you. You can pick from the list it provides rather than finish typing the command. I'm not too sure about this yet, it doesn't seem to get in the way but I haven't had a huge model loaded either. It will interesting to see if performance was comprimised to implement this feature.

Next up are just some AutoCAD enhancements. For this, here is a lady with a nice speaking voice from Autodesk!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Civil 3D 2012 - The Little Things Part One

Are you ready for another round of Autodesk products? I sure am ;)

Today, I'd like to talk to you about Civil 3D 2012 and the smaller changes and some of the AutoCAD changes that you'll see.

I'll start at the top and work my way down. First, in the Application Menu you're going to see a new feature - Batch Convert. Before 2012 we'd have to download DWG TrueView to get the convert functionality, now it's built in.

You can change the Units, add a prefix or suffix to the exported file name and change the drawing file format. Now, I want to make this very clear - CIVIL 3D IS NOT BACKWARD COMPATIBLE. That means that even if you save the drawing to an earlier version, the Civil 3D entities won't work in earlier versions of Civil 3D. I don't like it either, but that is what it is.

Moving on, you can choose to explode the objects in the drawing (This will dumb it down, but make it backward compatible...), and Bind XRefs. This will allow you to grab all of the drawings in a specified folder and save them out to a desination folder. You can also pick specific drawings from the source folder to convert.

You can find the batch convert command by going to the Export menu in the Application Menu.

Now for the Ribbon. You'll notice a few extra tabs. The Help Menu now shows up.

I'll be posting more about the help menu in the coming weeks, there really are some great resources in there.

Next, you'll notice the Online tab.

This is the link to AutoCAD WS. If you're unfamiliar with AutoCAD WS, check it out here. Its a great resource if you have an Android device or, if you were having a lapse of judgement and purchased an Apple mobile device. Just kidding Apple lovers ;)

Next you'll see Add-Ins. This tab shows the Content panel. This is the Autodesk Content Browser. Right now it reminds me a lot of Design Center. Hopefully I'll have more to report on this feature later.

Looking through the Ribbon tabs there isn't much difference between 2012 and 2011 - other than the new tabs. But, there were a few new commands that caught my eye.

In the Insert tab, there is a new Panel called Connection Point. The Connection Point command allows Civil 3D users to connect Civil 3D pipes to other objects that may or may not have been created in other programs. A 3D Solid for instance. Some new interoperablility functionality that Autodesk has implemented. It will be interesting to see how this is used.

On the Analyze tab, you'll see a new way to work with Hydrology calculations, the Autodesk Storm and Sanitary Extension. It's built in and will install with Civil 3D 2012 if you don't uncheck it during installation.

More on that later, too.

On the Output tab, you'll see a new command to export to 3DS Max. In case you missed it I wrote about the Civil Visualization Suite for 2011. It's now built in to Civil 3D.

The last noteable change on the Ribbon is in the Manage tab. There is a new Styles panel that incorporates the Subscription Advantage stuff.

Now you can import styles from another drawing or template and remove (purge) unused styles from the current drawing.

That will do it for this post. Next time we'll go below the ribbon!

See ya,